itsallfun57's Blog



Verification / Safety Segway

I'm not great at writing erotic pieces unless I really know the person whom I'm trying to excite. The same goes for phone play unless I've already have shared physical sensual erotic encounters with. So as I slowly step back into the world of blogging it will be more of a curious nature, food, travel, lampoons and such. Thank you AFF for giving me the opportunity many years ago.

My post; why is there such a prevalence for members attempting to direct us to these … / verification sites in the guise of safety? I realize that the majority of the male blood flow is going to our collective dicks; we can't be repeatedly fooled into doing so? These sites can't be that lucrative for the number of women with multiple profiles attempting to do so.

Can some one please explain the motivation for this? One can argue that if safety is the true reason then use sites that don't … you to other adult sites for the same service/venue we have here? Would it be worthwhile to create a legitimate service that screens with appropriate safety background checks?

Anyways, ramblings from itsallfun57; Happy 4th of July

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