mad99's Blog



My Tantric Tale - Part 3

I let your hand go and I leave you standing there for several minutes for you to absorb the scents and music from the room.   And for me sit and just wander my blue eyes all over your perfect body and for my mind to focus on just you SammieJo tonight.    I then silently come over to you  you know I'm there as you can smell me.  You hear my long breathes.  I'm so close that you feel me gently exhale onto your shoulder.   I see you react.  You begin to take deep mirroring breathes.   I'm now inhaling your expelled breath just as you are now doing the same of mine.  We begin to feel each other's energy through each inhale.   I'm now standing with our faces just millimetres apart.    You can feel me this close and you smile.   You ever so seductively wet the inside of your lips by opening them a fraction and trailing your tongue from one side the other.   You can hear soft sexy jazz in the background.   

While close I trace over every feature of your unblemished face without making contact  your ears, forehead, cheeks, eyes, lips and jawline.  All you feel is my gentle exhale as I begin to get high from you.   Stepping back and facing you I carefully and intentionally reach out with both my hands to gently hold you at the shoulders.  I cup my hands around your shoulders, with fingers on back and thumbs in front.  Again I pause to let us take in this first sensual touch -  I know if felt a charge.   Then slowly with the lightest pressure I run my fingertips down your upper arm, around your elbow and then slide down you forearms until our hands join  your fingers in the heal of my palms and mine in yours.  

With my fingertips lightly caressing your wrists I step backwards and lead you to the side of the bed.  At the bed you feel me begin to angle you down as begin to sit and sidle myself onto the soft luxury sheets.   You don't fall because as I sit down our grasp changes and our fingers intertwine in a small but sensual dance.   This tightened grip is your invitation allowing yourself to simply fall weightlessly in sync with me as I lay slowly backward onto the bed.   You feel, but cannot see yet that the bed is covered in more flower petals and there are pillows or different sizes and softness everywhere.   You take in the scent of the follow petals and burning candles and oils.

I lay you on your left side as we release our grip.   I lean in towards you and softly untie the silk blind fold so I can stare deep into your beautiful dark eyes for the first time.     You … a few times while acclimatizing to the dimmed lighting from dozen of candles and you quickly scan the room before black and blue are locked onto each other as we both smile.    I can see your iris contracting and expanding like a kaleidoscope as it continually re-focuses on the different parts of my face and body.  It see the  reflection of the dancing candle flames from your dark eyes.    There is no need for intro's as we know each other so well already.   We just stare at each other and smile.   Our breathing is sympatico.  Unspoken yet passionate words transmit between us.   

Politely I ask if I may kiss you.   No answer if needed as we both roll towards each other and our lips meet for the very first time.  Mmmmm.      As we touch I feel lightning bolts up and down my back.   Your soft moist firm lips are both delicious to taste and silken to touch.  Our first kiss is short as we both take in the moment while our eyes remain locked.     I take my left index finger and begin to lightly trace the outline of you upper and then pouting lips. You enjoy it and try to kiss the tip of my finger as it passes over the centerline.   

Shortly we have our first true kisses of passion, our lips and tongues gently exploring the first skin touch.    This time you use tip of tongue to trace edge of my upper lip and then pullback and playfully kiss me.    You do the same as you trace the border of my bottom lip.   Subconsciously SammieJo  I'm thinking of your tongue swirling around the tip of my penis which is your desired purpose.

Turning the focus back to you,  I gently caress the skin between your ear lobe and neck with the backs of my pointer fingers.  I then give one side little nibble kisses up and down.  You react by tilting you head to making me work harder to nibble in there.   I repeat on the other side.    

I kiss again from your neck down to that little dimple where you neck meets your chest.  At the same time I trail the tip of my index and middle fingers from one shoulder to the same dimple  lingering and swirling my fingers in slow circular motion.   I move toward and kiss the spot and use my breath to warm the area.   You feel your entire chest becoming more sensitive including your breasts increasing your pleasure.  Your nipples harden without stimulation.

I now use both my mouth and fingers to trace a snaking path from bottom of your rib cage to your hips - you feel an immediate stimulation of you clitoris and this reflexively causes your pelvic floor muscle to contract increasing your arousal.   I kiss with firm pressure and nibble down to hip bone.   This feels insanely good for you.

After about 30 minutes of tight embracing and passionate kissing I have you lay face down on the bed for a sensual massage.   I place a pillow under your chest so you can breathe easily and turn your head.  I unhook your brassiere and pour hot massage oil onto my hands and watch as it runs a little cooler between my fingers and streams onto you back.  I rub it over your entire back with strong and soft movements of my hands.

I start by warming up your traps  between shoulders.   I commence from the base of your spine.   I cross my thumbs and slide up your spine to between your shoulders.  I use my thumbs to massage your upper back for minutes.   I lightly tap the small of your back with the edges of my hands  you feel this stimulates erotic energy and nerve impulse that go straight to your vagina.   I wipe off excess oil and take a deep breath and run my lips from the base of your spine to nape of your neck with one lip each side of your spine.  You feel me exhale slowly as I move my lips up your spine.  I repeat this several times.   Using my hands I work my way up your spine again.  Moving slowly and firmly using my dominate hand.  Using gentle and repetitive up and down motion with heel of my hand on a small section at a time using dry friction to generate heat.    Your gentle groans tell me you're enjoying my slow but firm pressure as I rub the remaining oil deep into your tanned silky smooth skin.  

I work back down back in kneading motion to the knob at the base of your spine.  Once at your lower back I switch to a softer touch and lightly spiral my fingers over the base knob.   This pleasure spot sends chills throughout your body.  I lightly graze my cheek against this area.  This skin to skin contact increases your excitement and your body gives you a hit of dopamine.   I softly kiss and trace my tongue along same spot, then I rake my fingernails to deepen the sensation for you.

You relax your firm muscles to the point where you can't stop moaning in pleasure and you slowly inch your legs apart just a little.  I know it's time to stop working your body move to your inner thighs.    

SammieJo I save you inner thighs to last.   I start by licking my finger to increase sensation and slowly draw it from your mid-inner thigh to the top.  I immediately follow path just traced with the tip of my tongue.   I continue teasing all the way to upper thigh region.   You begin to flinch so I but use firmer kisses to avoid tickling you.  Your breathing becomes more rapid and shorter  your pelvis starts to spasm in that must have you now way.   Your thighs are firing dozens of pleasure signals to your brain.   You beg me to stop.

I stop only long enough for me to focus on your next tantrix pleasure.a yoni massage

To be continued...

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