SexyNerdGuy's Blog



My First War Story

Hello sexy people of Fuckkkbookkk.

I've only been here a day but it's been very nice so far. So many lovely sexual deviants like myself...who wouldn't be excited?

Oh wait. Except there is one thing. One day, and a scam artist almost got me good. Hahaha. Now I expected the scammers to show up, but this one was crafty. "She" sent me a message and I tested the waters of course; seemed cute and believable enough but what really confused me was the amount of time "she" put into befriending me. After about an hour and a half (!!!) of formalities, jokes, flirts and other naughty things, "she" suggested we go to skype. Now, being the nerdy, horny gentleman I am, I couldn't say no, right? Right? (Hint: wrong)

Our video screens pop up and "she" starts to strip so I do too... We get into pleasuring ourselves at the sight of each other thing you know, I am looking at "her" sharing a video capture of me in a solo act. I then get a message asking if I would like "her" to post my video online for people to see, including my friends and family. UM LOL? Turns out I was being blackmailed into signing up for some other website.

Did I do it??? FUCK NO. Bluff called, deleted that bitch and went back to boss mode. Sad day when people want to take advantage of a horny guy and his hard cock.

Long story short, careful out there. The front lines can be scary.

Oh and DON"T FUCK WITH ME. Unless, of course, you wanna fuck with me

See ya next time!

Dat Hot Nerd Duuuude

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