NEVERcummingback's Blog



Careful What You Wish For

 Careful What You Wish For
 By NEVERcummingback

I shot up in bed, a huge grin in on my face. What an amazing dream! I lay back down, sprawling out across my king size bed. I lowered my hands, skimming over the curves of my body through the silky sheets. I wished the events of my dream could happen in real life. How fun would it be to get three wishes from a Genie?

In my dream, I had asked for easy, earth shattering orgasms, an insatiable sex drive and the power to seduce anyone. I was having sex non stop with sexy men and women. I wasn’t bisexual in real life, but damn, I should really consider it.

I slipped my hands between my legs, feeling the sheets become wet with my juices. I’d obviously been turned on. Phew! I smirked as I thought about the dirty things I had done with everyone. I felt a tingle rush up my body. I fantasized about the hot scene between me and a sultry brunette. How expertly she had sucked my nipples before going down on me.

Suddenly I could hardly breathe. I arched my back up, nearly blacking out from the pleasure. My clit throbbed with the most powerful sensations I had ever felt. I screamed as my vagina spasmed uncontrollably from an intense orgasm. Finally, it slowed and I came to my senses. God, did I actually ejaculate? That had never happened before. Let alone, what the fuck; I have the most earth shattering orgasm of my life after just thinking something sexy? Wow. I wonder how… no.. no way!

Could it be real? How could it be? I was an educated, mature woman. But still, I couldn’t explain what had just happened. Could my dream have actually been real? Was I truly to have easy, earth shattering orgasms, an insatiable sex drive and the ability to seduce anyone?

I squealed and giggled and kicked my feet in the air. I laughed out loud as I hopped out of bed. There was only one way to find out. I was walking to the Starbucks downstairs.

The coffee shop was open late, I was sure he’d be there. Yes, the smoking hot barista that I had been eyeing for months. I hadn’t even had the guts to ask him up yet. All I knew was his name was Mark, and he was in some creative writing program. Artsy guys were hot. God, and those smoldering dark eyes and chiseled features were hot too. I hopped out in the hallway and had to grab the wall as waves of pleasure shot through me again as I thought about my sexy coffee man.

Oh my, I gasped to myself. My face was sweaty and flushed and it was hard to ignore my throbbing pussy. I wasn’t even going to make it to the elevator at this rate. I took a deep breath, balanced myself and took a big step forward. The slightest brush of my thighs together made me moan. I stumbled as my clit brushed against the soft silk of my panties. Groaning, my hands reached out to balance myself as I threw my head back in ecstasy. I crumpled to a heap against the wall. I grabbed my breasts as I exploded in a full body experience that totally eclipsed the first one.

I brought my hand to my mouth stunned. No one heard that did they? I ran my hand through my hair as I picked myself up. I took slow deliberate steps to the elevator, stopping when the tension in my loins needed to subside.

I caught my reflection in the mirror of the elevator. I looked amazingly good. My cheeks were flushed. My lips were full and a nice pouty red. My hair was tousled over my shoulders like a Cosmo cover girl. I tried to relax my facial features, but I couldn’t. I tried to laugh, but even that looked dead sexy as I flipped my hair coyly. What? I tried to frown, just to test it. I couldn’t, my reflection sent back a sultry pout. I giggled a little; at least there wouldn’t be any more bad photos! Though, really, it could be mildly inappropriate at times to say the least. Like in the family reunion photos? Oh well, it must wear off or turn off at some point right? Whatever, there was other things to worry about right now.

The familiar bong of the elevator sounded and the door flew open. I sashayed out and into the lobby. It was like my own personal catwalk. I sent a wink in the direction of the doorman. His jaw dropped as his eyes blatantly lowered down my chest, skirting my hips to drool over my ass. I smirked as I blew a kiss on my way through the door.

I skipped down the block to the coffee shop on the corner. I paused, scanning the store through the window. I saw my prey typing away on his laptop in the far corner. He seemed fully involved in his work, a steaming coffee sat untouched on the table in front of him.

I fluffed my hair before boldly grabbing the door handle. I strode in and headed straight for him, hardly noticing the jaw’s dropping around me.

I stopped across the table, hovering above him. I watched as his eyes slowly rose up from his screen. His eyes skimmed the silky fabric of my nightgown that hugged my Pilates-tight waist, swelling up over my full breasts. His eyes widened, as he gulped heavily.

“I. I. Um, Hello…” he stammered.

“Hi, remember me?” I purred as I took the chair across from him. I crossed my legs slowly running my fingers along the creamy skin of my thigh. I stifled a moan.

“Wow, umm. Ya. But something’s…” He was completely … by me.

“Something’s different? Is that what you were going to say?” I cooed as I leaned over and lightly stroked his forearm. I stared into his eyes, watching as he melted into a puddle on the floor. I cackled as I helped up the embarrassed though still smoking hot barista-writer.

“Care to join me for a drink?”

“Yes. Yes. Um, yes.”

I smiled and took his hand. He followed without hesitation. I thought briefly of his laptop left behind, perhaps to be stolen. One of his co-workers would pick it up, I thought as I pushed through the door and into the night air. I gasped as the ensuing shiver also sent a mind blowing tingle up every nerve in my body. Thankfully my drooling boy toy was too love struck to notice my near orgasm. This was getting a little awkward.

I blew past the doorman; I could get to him later. I was dying! I had to get off and fast or I was going to scream. Suddenly this wasn’t so fun. I whipped Starbucks boy into the elevator and up against the mirrored wall. I plunged my tongue deep into his throat. He moaned and pulled me in harder as his hands grabbed at my barely covered ass. Jolts of pleasure shot from his hands and up my spine. His hand slipped around my hip to my wet panties and pushed them aside. His fingers touched my clitoris ever so slightly and I screamed out in ecstasy as my body shook again.

I calmed down, somewhat relieved from the release. He looked speechless.

“Wow, I can’t say it’s ever been that easy.”

I smiled, the need building again already. “Well, let me repay you.”

I pulled him off the elevator, not caring about the heads poking out of the apartments on route to my own. I smiled back, fully accepting their glares and stunned looks. It didn’t matter. I had needed that release like nothing ever before. Well, except for the one building in my loins right now. Good God, I needed to get into my apartment!

I ran the last few steps, my lust … companion giggling behind me. I dragged him in and slammed the door. We had barely made eye contact again before I had him pinned against the door. I ripped his pants off, biting my lip as another blinding jolt shot through me. I paused briefly, trying for a moment of clarity before attacking him again. I ran into the bedroom, grabbing the extra large box of condoms and the lube. Why waste time later? I dropped the box at his feet. He looked surprised. Before he could speak I dove down on him, leaving him speechless.

“Oh. Oh god woman.” He moaned, cupping my head. I swirled and swiveled my tongue around his penis. He began to tense up and I eased off.

We were both panting as I stood up in front of him to kiss him.

“Wow, how did you….”

“Shhh, fuck me.” I panted as I grabbed the box of condoms. The need was nearly painful.

“Really, we’re going to need this whole box? Cool.”

I grabbed a condom out of the box, impatient with the slow speed his blow-job hazy brain was working at. Another night I would have been flattered to have left this stunning specimen of a man so speechless with my skills, but not now. This was unbearable.

I whipped the condom down his penis and hopped up around his waist. He turned and pushed me up against the wall. He pumped into me, the perfect rhythm. I grabbed at his hair. Moaning as every inch of me began to tighten.

“Oh fuck, you’re so tight. Baby, you’re so tight,” he grunted as he pumped faster. I moaned in rhythm with my building pleasure. I screamed as I finally released. Mark groaned as he came hard.

Our breath slowed as he lowered me gently to the floor. He leaned his forehead against mine as he slowly traced the curve of my lip.

“Wow. That was. Amazing.”

I smiled, genuinely. His blue eyes made me melt. I gently wrapped my hand around his neck, pulling him in for a sweet kiss.

He traced my breast, setting off the stirrings of another building orgasm.

“Shit,” I muttered under my breath. Never would I have imagined I would be bothered by being too easily turned on, but here I was in a fantastically sweet moment, getting impossibly turned on again.

“What’s the matter?” He whispered sleepily as he kissed my neck gently.

I took his hand and dragged him into the living room and lowered him to the couch.

“Nothing,” I said as I straddled his lap. He kissed me, the sleepy grin still on his face.

“Wow, you know, I hate to say this, but I’m kind of worn out. I’m going to need a few minutes.”

I kissed him. I was frustrated, but somewhat understanding. I was exhausted as well. I just wanted to cuddle up with this sexy man and go to sleep. But I wasn’t going to fall asleep at this rate.

“You’re right,” I planted gentle kisses on his eyelids. “I’m tired too. Can you excuse me for a minute? I just need to go to the washroom.”

I was already running off as he murmured some reply. I ran into the bedroom, ripping open my nightstand drawer. My hand gripped the smooth rubber of my desire. I squirt the lube carelessly all over and satisfied myself. My breathing slowed.

I couldn’t deal with this! Was it ever going to stop? I gathered myself and walked to the mirror to re adjust myself. I sighed, as of course I looked smokin’ hot. Well, it would put an end to morning face, I thought. I smiled as I walked back to greet my resting Barista. I stepped out into the living room, my hips swaying seductively from side to side. I stepped out ready to knock him dead when I saw him. … Already knocked dead and snoring on the couch. I sighed, defeated. I pulled the wool blanket from the easy chair over his smooth skin. I would let him sleep for tonight. Perhaps I could sleep too.

But then it happened. Again. The painful need began to build. I wanted to scream. Maybe I could just sneak out, I thought.

I tip toed to the front door. I paused, catching my breath as the intense sensations pulsed between my legs. I stepped out, tapping the door shut and tip toed down the hallway, carefully so as to not let my thighs rub together. I did not want to orgasmically wake the neighbours at this hour.

I reached the elevator and breathed a sigh of relief. I gasped for a minute as I realized I had walked out in only my bra and panties! How had that happened? Oh god, I thought as I looked up into the surveillance camera’s red eye staring blankly down upon me. Well, I knew who my next target would be. I slid my hand down and into my panties and threw my head back as the release gave my body a momentary break.

The bong set off minor tremor through my body as I sashayed out into the hallway. As expected, the security/doorman was waiting for me. His tongue was literally wagging as I approached the desk.

“Have you been expecting me?” I cooed. “Did you like what you saw?”

He stammered out a response, weakly protesting that he hadn’t been staring at the footage the whole time. Please, I could tell from the light sweat on his brow and the glassy lusty look in his eyes that it was obvious. I walked around and rolled him back from his desk. I straddled his lap and grabbed him by the tie, pulling him in for a deep kiss. He moaned as he pulled my hips in, grinding into me as I bit down hard on his ear.

“Would you like to make a video of your own?” I panted in his ear as his lips lowered to the swell of my breasts. He tugged the fabric over as he sucked my nipple to attention.

“Oh fuck ya,” He nipped my breasts as he grabbed my hair and pulled me in again. I stood up and pulled his belt out in one swift pull. His zipper gave with ease as I yanked him up. He kicked them to the side. I had managed to whip the condom on his awaiting cock before he even hit the cushion again. He looked surprised, more in awe of my amazing execution. I didn’t care, I needed him now.

I dropped down on him, like a starving woman needing food for survival. I ground into his lap hard, leaning back with my arms on the desk for support. He wrapped his arms around me as his tongue worked my breasts over. I pumped feverishly as the intense release began to build. I could feel him tightening. His breath became hoarse as he muttered dirty things to himself. I jerked my hips and expoded. He swore as he came.

I sighed in my momentary relief, knowing it wouldn’t last nearly long enough. I smiled as I lifted myself from the night watchmen’s lap. He was too wrapped up in his own ecstasy to even notice that I had left.

I fixed my hair and walked back t the front door and unlocked it. Thankfully none of my neighbors had attempted to get in to the building. The video surveillance evidence would be more than damning enough, though that tape would likely go “missing” for someone’s collection of bragging rights. Whatever.

I took off up the hallway, hoping at least to make it back upstairs and to my sexy barista. He could have recovered by now, couldn’t he? I got in the elevator and sighed. This was no were near as much fun as I had hoped. The constant need was making me exhausted. I took a long look at myself in the mirror. But, there were a few things I had always wanted to try. Why not now? I was irresistible. No one could say no. And no matter how shy I was it came out sultry and confident. I smirked as I pressed a button to a different level, sending me back down a floor.

I stepped out at the familiar bong of the elevator. I felt a rush of heat work up my neck as I thought about what I was about to do. I hesitated only slightly as I lifted my hand to tap on the door.

The door slowly opened. The beautiful woman behind the door had obviously been asleep. She looked up through her long bangs that seductively covered her eyes. A look of annoyance and confusion flashed across her eyes.

“Do you know what time it is?” She asked more than a little cranky.

“Yes.” I said in a low purr.

She cocked one eyebrow at my response. I stood, watching her gaze soften.

“So, what exactly did you want?” she asked, she couldn’t help but trace her collar bone lazily as she questioned me.

“You,” I leaned forward running my hand up the door and covering her hand. I ran my fingers up and through hers. She eyes widened but she didn’t move her hand. Her eyes were transfixed on me. I could see the slight battle raging in her eyes. They whispered quietly that she didn’t usually do this, or that she didn’t at least with girls. But, those hesitations were fading quickly as my fingers lowered down her arm to her collarbone, and down to the V between her breasts. I traced the lace of her negligee. I followed a line down between her breasts and down her firm stomach. I traced along the curve of her hip before her hand lowered. She gasped slightly, trying to catch her breath.

She tried to sound like she meant it, but the desire as she whispered for me to stop made me continue. I traced between her legs. She leaned her head back slightly. I nudged her into her apartment with my free hand as my fingers traced her mound through the flimsy fabric.

“I.. I.. can’t,” she moaned in pleasure. Her body responded to my touch almost instantly. The moist fabric between my fingers told me another story.

“I can stop if you want me to,” I whispered in her ear, gently nipping at her lobe as I continued down her neck.

She groaned, pulling my face up to hers and plunging her tongue in my mouth. My hands ran through her hair as she pulled me in shutting the door swiftly behind me. It banged quite loudly as it shut. I couldn’t focus on much other than her - except for the rumbling and loud footsteps coming up behind me.

“Who’s here babe?” A sleepy, deep male voice asked. I turned to see a gorgeous muscular man standing in the hallway, a bewildered but intrigued look on his face. I was so turned on, any concern I had for him was fleeting. His confusion quickly turned to lust as I eyed him up.

“And you weren’t going to wake me?” he said. I smirked, I realized I was irresistible, but nice of him to roll with the punches. I took my sultry makeout partners hand and lead her to her male companions reach and she gently nuzzled into him for a kiss as I slowly traced my hands down his well muscled chest. He was gorgeous, as was she. I watched lustily as they kissed, truly lost in the moment – crazy for each other. For a brief moment of sanity I admired their love, longing for that feeling for my own. But the irrational lust that had bestowed me this evening took over and I pulled her from her lover’s embrace and passionately kissed her. She kissed back with as much force before breaking apart just as quickly. She took my hand and led me to the bedroom before throwing me on the bed; her lover followed her as she guided him to a chair at the end of the bed. He sat obediently to take in the show she was allowing him to watch. The look in his eye made me think he was having a long awaited fantasy finally come true. Perhaps she had hesitated, perhaps he hadn’t pushed it, but the look of love and thanks gleamed between the flashes of pure lust in his eyes as she spread my legs and kissed her way to my eagerly awaiting pussy.

I cried out, her tongue worked over every longing nerve. She gently swirled a finger around the opening of my sex, covering it in my juices before she slid them inside me. She gently pulsed against that special spot as her tongue pleasured my clit.

The sensations were incredible. I tried to stop the waves as they rocked me, My body convulsed, the sensations were unbearably intense. I felt I would pass out, my eyes were nearly going black with each peak I hit. Finally I climaxed and fell limp to the bed.

I could hardly breathe. I lay still, no ounce of energy left in my body. I thought briefly of returning the favor but I was too exhausted. I just wanted to sleep. Why couldn’t I sleep? My post-O glow was being ruined by my tired angry thoughts. But something soon, turned my attention.

A rougher, slightly callused hand was stroking my inner thigh. I instantly felt those beginning twitches of arousal. Before I stopped myself, I groaned out loud.

“Is this okay,” the man asked. He sounded a bit worried.

I tried to smile, “No, no, of course it’s okay. I’m just so tired. You wouldn’t believe the night I’ve had.”

He seemed confused.

“What do you mean?”

I raised my exhausted body up, leaning back on my hands in the luxurious pile of pillows. “You really wouldn’t believe me if I told you.” I laughed, a slightly maniacal cackle escaped my fed up lips.

“Try us.” The woman said as she pulled her lover and herself over to the other side of the bed. I saw my way to catch my breath. As his big arms wrapped around her gently stroking and fondling her body, she responded in kind by shimmying into him. She fit perfectly in his manly frame.

I watched thankfully as he wrapped his big hands around her hip and gently began to stroke between her thighs as he ground his erection into her back. She moaned softly.

I lowered my voice and began my sordid tale, “Well, I woke up from the most amazing dream I’ve ever had…”

I told my story, no detail left out: The hallway climax, the barista, the doorman, the frustration and now them: these two beautiful lovebirds enjoying every word that came from my mouth.

I began to touch myself, unable to resist the sexy scene unfolding in front of me. The man had worked her clit to gently into a slow and powerful climax before sheathing his erection with a condom and entering her from behind, never breaking their spooned embrace. I was moaning in time with their passionate cries as I finally came watching with joy as they both came with each other.

I sleepily lay my head down, basking in the beautifully intimate show before me and the realization that I could possibly fall asleep finally I was so exhausted.

“That’s a wonderful story,” she murmured. “I’m going to wish for the same things when I go to bed.” She giggled as she fell asleep in her man’s loving embrace.

“Well,” I said as I shut my eyes finally. “Careful what you wish for.”

I nodded off as my voice trailed off from my warning. The relief was incredible.

I didn’t know how long I’d been awake before I awoke due to a stirring in front of me. At first I wasn’t sure as the where I was but it slowly came back to me.

“Oh crap,” suddenly I was quite embarrassed as I realized I was still in the couple’s bed. I had fallen asleep! Thoughts of what had transpired earlier in the bed flashed through my mind.

While it had been a steamy night, I realized slowly that I wasn’t getting turned on. I shouted gleefully in my head. The curse had lifted! But before I could revel in my freedom, I was stunned by a bright light. The brunette with the amazing tongue was standing at the foot of the bed. No longer tired, or shy. She had that look, I was mesmerized by her beauty: Perfectly pouty lips and tousled hair and a look of pure lust in her eyes.

Oh no. Oh no. OH NO! I had to get out of here. But I had to look away first. She was undeniable. She crawled up the bed to me.

“You..” I stammered, as she kissed her way up my legs. “You wished..”

“Yes,” she purred in the sexiest voice I’d ever heard.

I leaned back groaning as this woman worked her magic on my clit through the fabric of my negligee. It took all my power to try and remain with it. My body, no longer invincible, was now tired and somewhat cranky to the over stimulation of earlier and it helped.

I rouse her lover and slowly moved her attention to him. His mouth gaped open as her lips enveloped his quickly responding cock.

This was my only chance to get away. I lowered a foot slowly to the floor and tip toed out of the room as she focused on the increasingly quick breath of her man. I closed the door and slipped into the hallway and bolted to the door.

What had I done to that poor woman? I had tried to warn her. I rolled my eyes, grateful for the spell to have broken whether or not it had been passed to another. I sighed as I reached the fifth floor and carried my heavy body to my door.

I walked in, a smile creeping across my face as I saw Mark; my sexy barista still sprawled across the couch where I had left him. I hadn’t even thought of him still being here. Maybe, just maybe he could be what I had been looking for; that person who looked at me with that perfect balance of love and lust.

I leaned down, gently nudging him awake. He looked up, a sleepy smile on his face.

“Hey, come to bed.” I whispered.

“Okay,” he mumbled sleepily as I guided him to the bedroom. I lay down as he wrapped himself around me.

“I was hoping you’d still be here when I got back.”

I could feel his hardening erection behind me. “I just needed a little time to recharge, how about round two?” He whispered in my ear as he gently nibbled it.

i sighed. I heard my own words ringing in my ears, “Careful what you wish for..”

I rolled my eyes and giggled to myself. I was happy to oblige my patient barista. Just as my body relaxed, enough to truly wrap myself up in the pure joy of sex with this wonderful man, I heard a knock at the door...

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