NEVERcummingback's Blog



The Match

 The Match
 BY NEVERcummingback
 THE Match

“There's something about the sweat of a woman,” he says.

I'm not sure what to think.

I mean, I'm standing here


The steam so suffocating I'm remembering

How hard it can be to breathe through my once-broken nose.

Beads of sweat—


Rivulets of sweat

Curl down my sides,

Curving under my breasts

Racing down the hard lines of my abs

Slowing when they hit the subtle rise of trimmed curls

He exposed

When he yanked my boy shorts down to my ankles just a minute ago.

“You think I'm kidding?”

“I don't—”

I bite my lip.

That’s just it.

I don't.

Then again, it's hard to think with him breathing in my ear



His exhalations are still a little wild from

Our match not ten minutes before,

And when he licks the smooth line of my neck

I arch back in protest.

I always fight—

But just a little.

Danny grabs onto my hips.

The move is so sudden I jerk,

My breasts smashing against the punching bag.

(See, he didn't leave me much leeway when he cuffed me

To the chains that hold this thing in place—

And I'd tell you I mind,

But I don't.)

He digs his fingers into jutting bones,

Rubs his cock against my firm ass

Catches the lobe of my ear between his teeth

And groans when I squirm

Like I wanna fight.

Danny responds by slipping his fingers down,

Pinching my clit,

Sliding that cock right where he needs to be—

Where I need him to be—

And then he gasps again,

As if he’s surprised to find me so wet.

Every time we spar

I get like this.

I’ve been training far longer than him

So he doesn’t mind me pinning him on the mat

Straddling him with my aching thighs

Grinding my pussy against him

And shoving my elbow into his chest

When I whisper,

“I win. Again.”

He leisurely smiles.

I think that’s because the moment it’s over—

My victory, done—

I surrender.

I’ll let Danny take my wrists

Tie them somewhere

Anywhere, really

Like now, cuffed up to this heavy bag

That smells like my sweat and plastic.

“Well?” he asks.

“Well, what?”

The head of his cock is just inside the rim of my cunt

And he’s teasing me

Taunting me

Spurring me on even more

Than the fans chanting outside the ring during my matches.

Danny knows how much this gets me

So he thrusts slowly

Making me moan.

Fuck me.

He feels so good

That when he sinks deeper

I don’t even care that my mouth

Is on the bag

That my cries

Are falling from my lips louder than the bell

That signals my wins.

“Like that?” he says.

That is all guttural moan and a puff of air,

And to remind me how much I want it

He pumps again. Then once more.

“Fuck, yes, Danny.”

“Yeah? You surrender?”


He drives in so deep

All I can think

Is that I’m sweaty

That he’s sweaty

That holy fuck

He feels so good.

He wraps his arms around the bag and me both

Closing me between two things I love

Biting at the side of my chin

As he fucks me



And sweaty like we like it.

It doesn’t take long

Of course—

Me cuffed up to that bag

Danny all the way inside me

The smell of sweat and lust

And so many fights

On the training mat

Surrounding us as we go

For this one more match

Before our shower.

But this time

We both win.

BY NEVERcummingback

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