NEVERcummingback's Blog





By NEVERcummingback

“I think there's a man standing in my driveway.”

Somewhere across town, my sister, Kelly, shrieked through the phone. “Jesus, call the cops!”

I peered through the window overlooking the darkened street. Everything was completely black but he was there all right. I could see the orange glow of his cigarette bobbing up and down my driveway as he paced the length.

“Christ, first no power for a week because of that goddamned storm and now this,” I whispered into the phone, as though the stranger could hear me from inside the house. “If he tries to get in here I hope Jasper rips his throat out.”

The eighth wonder of the world, otherwise known as Jasper the Great Dane, lifted his head at the sound of his name. He yawned, licked his lips, and was snoring before his head hit the floor.

My hero.

“Do you want me to come over?”

“No, enjoy your electricity. I’ll just sit here in the dark, reading by wimpy tea lights.”

“I offered to let you stay here.”

“And I told you I'm not leaving the house. If someone wants to steal my shit they have to go through me first. Besides, I can't leave Jasper and Regan's allergic.”

Eventually with the help of my cranky five year-old niece, I was able to get my sister off the line. I sighed and pressed my nose to the window pane, searching the darkness for the stranger.

He was now sitting in a car just beyond my driveway. I could see him in profile, fussing with a battery powered lantern perched on his dash. Moments later a cable company truck slowed to a crawl and the driver rolled down the window to converse with the stranger.

Ah, so he's one of them.

On virtually every corner of the city there was someone just like him. He was a sentry whose sole job was to make sure no one ran off with the generator hooked up to the power lines. About half of the residents were still without power in the wake of the storm and, like myself, were going batty without the luxury of cable, internet, and blessed unnatural light. The power company was working overtime, as were the cable and telephone companies, yet still thousands were without.

He was probably just another hapless victim of the storm that had blown the city apart and was doing the job to make some extra cash or because he couldn’t go back to work.

The cable truck moved on and the man in the car rested his head against the headrest.

Convinced that I wasn't going to wake up with someone in my house looking to make a suit out of my skin, I extinguished the candles and resumed my exciting evening of listening to the battery powered clock ticking me into insanity.


He was still there in the morning, leaning on the back bumper of his car and sucking on a thermos. He nodded at me as I dragged myself to my own vehicle.

“Do you mind me asking?” I said as I twisted the key in the lock.

He smiled and shook his head. There were dark smudges under his eyes and his shoulders slumped. He looked just as haggard as I felt.

At least I was fresh. That morning I had bathed in bottled water by squatting in the tub like a bird. I’d doubled up on deodorant and sprayed my whole body with body spray. I felt a little better but I still felt like a dishrag.

“I'm guarding the generator for Maricable. The whole system will blow if they don't have generators hooked up when the power comes on.”

“Any news?”

“I know about as much as that telephone pole. If it makes you feel any better I'm still in the dark in my neck of the woods.”

The minutes were ticking by, creeping close to late for work, but I didn't budge as I drew him into a discussion about the emergency state of the city. I got my eyeful. Bundled in a loose nylon jacket and denims with his hands stuffed into his pockets, he was absolutely gorgeous. Brown hair and green eyes, big shoulders and hard thighs.

I found myself laughing just a little more and toying with my hair as he talked, and then inevitably asking whether he would be back that night.

“Unless the power comes back, I’ll be here at six. Maybe I’ll see you again.” He grinned, and my stomach did a little flip flop.

I beamed at him and crawled behind the wheel of my Toyota. “Maybe I’ll make you some soup.”

“Make it tomato and you’ve got a deal.”

When I returned at the end of the day, he was gone and in his place was a teenager with a lawn chair and a fat joint. There was still no power. I shooed Jasper to the chair by the window and we both feasted on fast food as I waited for the man’s return.

The moment his Ford Focus pulled up I was in the bathroom with my Evian and a bar of soap.

With Jasper’s bladder as my excuse, I trotted out the back door with the leash in one hand and a cup of tea in the other. The man greeted me with a smile and immediately took to both my offering and my massive dog canine. Jasper tugged and whimpered but I held him in place, forcing the poor brute to do his business in the brush just to the left of the driveway.

“Listen,” I said as I held so tight to Jasper’s leash my fingers were going numb, “if you want anything you can just knock. I'm a complete insomniac.”

“I might have to take you up on that.”

A fabulous little throb went through my pussy when he smiled. Was it me, or was that a gleam in his eye to match my own? With a week living like a pioneer and straddling lunacy it wouldn't be a stretch to read too much into something such as this guy's criminal sexuality.

I sat in the window for hours and watched him as he stretched and strode up and down my driveway. Watching this guy amble along like sex on legs was better than watching really good porn.

A dozen filthy little scenarios went played out in my head. I wanted him to take me up against that big maple tree at the end of my driveway, his jeans tangled around his ankles, my feet locked at the small of his back and my arms around his thick neck.

I wanted him to bend me over the hood of his car, my palms flat against the cold metal, his fingers digging into my hips as he fucked me.

Or, my favorite little fantasy, the two of us in the backseat of his car, his shirt split open to reveal what I suspected was a glorious chest, his fly split open, hard, hot cock in my hand, and then in my mouth.

I rubbed my pussy through my pajama bottoms and bit down on my bottom lip as moisture seeped through the fabric.

I had scarcely noticed that the sun had gone down until blinding light flooded every room of the house. Appliances roared, the television screamed out of its long sleep, and I let out a conflicted groan as the man was uncovered by the orange glow from the streetlamp above his head. I watched him tap the face of his cell and then talk excitedly into the mouthpiece.

So much for my walking fantasy.

I turned to Jasper. Overwhelmed by the sudden activity, he skipped frantically across the living room floor and slid into the sofa with a furry thud.

“How ever did you survive without the sound of the electric can-opener, you jerk?”

An hour after scrubbing the rank refrigerator, I drew a steaming shower and stepped under the spray. I was getting ready to soap up my hair for the second time when I heard the muffled sound Jasper's frenzied yelping.

I wrapped myself in my robe and left little puddles on my way to the front door. I tore the door open and my heart leapt into my throat.

“I believe this belongs to you.” He dangled over one finger the coffee cup I had given him earlier. His gaze trailed down to where my robe split open.

That didn't need any reading into. I glanced over his shoulder to where the generator was being loaded into a cable truck.

“So, you're work here is done? Good job, Batman.”

He laughed and edged a little further inside, watching me as though to gauge my reaction. “I just thought I'd check to see if you needed anything.”

I raised my right brow and took on a sober tone. “I have lights. I have cable. I have running water. What would I possibly need from you now?”

The expression on his face was too much. He honestly thought I was serious. He winced slightly and shook his head, no doubt on the verge of apologizing.

I laughed and stepped aside. “I was just finishing my shower. You’re more than welcome to join me.”

Even before the door slammed behind him my robe was on the floor and his hands were all over me. By the time we reached the bathroom I had turned greedy and tugged open his fly.

“Fuck, you’re so hard already,” I said in a whisper and shoved his jeans mid-thigh.

His cock arced up. He was so thick and deliciously curved it physically hurt to look at it. I slid my hand along the rigid length and back up again.

As he worked the grey thermal shirt he wore over his head I ran my thumb along the seam at the swollen head, smearing the circumference with pre-cum, and then closed my hand around him.

He cupped my face and brushed his mouth over mine. “I can’t wait to get inside you.”

We stumbled into the shower and I cried out when he cupped my sex, fingers probing for my clitoris. “Wait, the condoms are in—”

“Don't need them now.” His digits found their mark and he pressed his other hand to the small of my back, pulling me closer. “I'm going to take you in your bed but now I just want to play with you. Soap me up.”

“Uh,” was all I managed to reply while his fingers probed me.

It was an unqualified pleasure to run my hands all over his slicked skin. There wasn't a crevice left unexplored. The denouement came as I crouched between his legs and slid my lathered hand over every superb inch of his dick until he grunted and stepped away, letting the shower spray rinse him clean while I collected a large fluffy towel.

It took every ounce of will power to keep from grinding on top of him the moment we collapsed onto the freshly-made bed. His mouth was all over me, hot and wet, muddling my thoughts as I reached past him for the condoms in the night stand.

When he cupped my ass and slid downward, I faltered and the box slipped back into the drawer. His tongue left a wet track over my abdomen and tickled through my pubic hair. He touched the tip to my clitoris, already stiff and ready for some attention.

“Yes, there.” I panted as he expertly flicked the hard nub. I reached behind me and grasped the headboard to raise myself up. My damp hair tumbled over my face as I bent to watch him tongue me.

“You're awfully sensitive. I like that,” he said in a whisper and rubbed his thumb along my crack, gathering moisture before flicking against my clit.

I managed to expel a breathy laugh. “I’ve been fantasizing about this all day.”

I couldn’t drag my gaze away as from his as he licked me. Just the sight of his jade eyes under heavy lids fixed intently on my face was enough to pump up the exhilaration to a fevered pitch. I pressed the tips of my fingers into his scalp and tightened my grip on the headboard.

With every flick of his tongue against the hot mouth of my cunt he rolled the pad of his thumb around my clit. The dual pleasure spiraled through me, along the length of my pussy and blooming with a throb.

“Don’t stop,” I said breathlessly even as his hot tongue penetrated me again, and … my legs over his wide shoulders. He slipped one hand underneath me, cradling my ass as he started to tongue-fuck me faster. Two fingers replaced his thumb. I propped myself up on my elbows and watched his fingers work my swollen clit, pinching and squeezing.

The effect was phenomenal. I could feel my orgasm building fast, racing through my blood like a flame following a gasoline spill. I curled my toes and dug my heels into his shoulders. Tension seized my joints. My spine curved as I tilted my hips.

The last thing I saw before I closed my eyes and tipped my head back was the flat surface of his tongue parting the folds of my pussy. His hot mouth took over for his fingers, his tongue curling around the hard bead of flesh. The two fingers that had been working my clit filled me, driving deep and to the knuckle.

I gasped and groaned as I throbbed beneath his tongue. My cunt squeezed around his fingers. Liquid heat flooded me and trickled around his fingers. He withdrew slowly and his tongue returned to my cunt.

I shivered; coming down hard off my high as he eagerly lapped every drop that spilled onto his tongue.

After a minute I giggled and … my fingers across the top of his head. “Well, now. I haven’t gone off that fast in ages.”

His brow quirked up as he slid next to me. “Lucky for you I've got more staying power.”

“I'd watch what I say if I were you. It’s your turn.”

I nudged him onto his back and collected a condom from the nightstand, then crouched between his legs. The veined column of his cock almost touched his stomach and my mouth watered as I closed my hand around the slick head.

“Don’t go making a liar out of me,” he said with a chuckle and then groaned when I swept my tongue over his balls and along the underside of his penis. His whole body vibrated as I tongued the slit at the head. Pre-cum oozed onto my tongue and the taste filled my mouth.

Hungry to have all of him filling my mouth, I puckered my lips around the tip.

He wriggled away and shot me an apologetic look. “Sorry, but I’m going to come if you keep that up for too long.”

I laughed and straightened, and then tore into the condom wrapper. “What happened to your staying power?”

He chuckled as I unfurled the small latex disc over his dick. “It went out the window the second you started sucking on me. Turn around and let me get in from behind.”

He positioned me exactly how he wanted me, squatting over his lap with my back pressed against his hard chest. I braced my hands behind me, beside his hips, ready for his first thrust.

The fat tip of his dick brushed against my wet opening. His joking tone vanished and was replaced by a taunting growl. It was maddening how he went on against my ear while I squirmed, panting, against him.

“I'm going to rub you just the right way, honey”

Just one inch. That was all he gave me.

“You're going to be coming all night, begging for more.”

Another inch, and I groaned as he slowly slid past my G-spot. He placed his hands under my ass and held me, hovering just over his lap.

“Take every inch, baby. Take it all.”

“Oh, fuck yes, fuck ye—”

My words were cut off as he drove his hips upwards and went balls deep.

“Keep talking,” he urged as he bounced me in rhythm with his every thrust. “Keep making lots of noise.”

I spilled my guts out with possessed eruptions that became more and more graphic with every ripple of pleasure that went through me. All the while he worked his hips with a perfect rhythm, rotating with each thrust. The friction against my G-spot was perfection. I planted my hands over his and with every delicious ripple that ran the length of my pussy I dug my nails in.

With a curse he released his grip on my waist and slid his hands over my ribs. I pushed with my knees and bobbed over him to keep up the pace.

“Keep it up,” he said, panting, and tweaked my hard nipples.

It was as though he had been in my head and knew exactly what I liked. Rough and tumble, vulgar and furious.

Absolutely perfect.

“I'm going to come soon,” I managed to spit out, turning my head to meet his mouth. He … and dropped his hands between my legs. The fingers of one hand pulled apart my labia while the other rubbed my clit.

“Go ahead, squirt all over my cock …”

He plunged his tongue into my mouth, mimicking the motions of his shaft until I was delirious. I cupped the back of his head, grasping a fistful of hair, and sucked his tongue deep into my mouth as the walls of pussy squeezed around his dick.

I scarcely had a moment to catch my breath before he spun me onto my back and pitched into me again. “My turn.”

He clasped the back of my knees and drew my legs around his tapered waist. The bed softly squeaked beneath us when he jutted his hips and took control.

Euphoria kept me from giving in the lethargy that crept into my bones. I locked my feet against the small of his back, pushing down as he worked his cock in and out. He never stopped talking as he fucked me, telling me in precise detail every little thing he wanted to do to me. There was something in the wicked little names he puffed out -- slut, cunt, fucktoy -- that drove me wild. I was used to dirty talk, but always whispered against my ear, never rupturing right in my face.

I went completely feral, clawing down his smooth back and clutching his ass, digging my nails into the pliant flesh to egg him on.

He hissed through gritted teeth and pushed himself up on his fists, driving into me so hard that I was shoved clean across the bed with my head hanging over the edge.

I bit down on my lip to keep from screaming while he completely dominated me. My head spun from the liquid slurping sound of his cock pounding in and out of my cunt. I spread myself out as far as I could to give him complete access.

“Fuck!” He drove home one last time, and then went completely taut. I closed my legs against his ribs and tightened the muscles that surrounded his cock to give him a firm squeeze. I felt his prick swell and throb and finally release to the tune of a guttural rumble from low in his chest.

Then he collapsed, crushing me beneath his weight and we both went completely limp.

“Holy shit,” I managed with a gasp after a prolonged silence, and a great sigh of accord surged through him.


The room was completely dark when I woke. At first I thought that the power was still out and I whimpered, but when I rolled onto my side I saw the … digits of the alarm clock and it all came flooding back.

My limbs were screaming, my back ached, and my nipples were sore and chafed. I was alone, save for Jasper snoring at the foot of the bed that was stripped of its coverings.

What time had it been when neither one of us could take any more? Who knew? It seemed to go on forever. Just when I thought he'd had enough he'd playfully suggest that all he needed was a little coaxing and down I went, kneading and sucking his cock until it stood at attention once more.

Wait until I tell Kelly about this, I thought jubilantly as I labored off the bed. She'll never believe me.

The face looking back at me in the mirror was a nightmare. My hair stood on end. There were bruises and teeth marks on my shoulders. I tittered and made a note to count the number of condoms missing.

Kitchen ... coffee ... food.

I shuffled through the house, blissfully naked and stretching, and heaved myself at the cupboard. As I was stuffing my face with dry rice crisps I noticed the jagged writing on the dry erase board on my fridge.

Rod, it read, followed by a phone number. I frowned.

Did I know an Rod?

I almost spit my mouthful of cereal onto the counter when it dawned on me that not once did I ask his name or offer my own.

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