hunter4422's Blog



Story Time!

I've seen you watching me at the bar many many times. Its my favorite hang out and you always seem to be there when I am. After work a beer or two some pool and then I walk home. All the while stealing glances at you, too shy to talk to you but I know you're watching me back. A crush at a distance.

Tonight is different, I had barely gotten my first drink when I turn and there you are, right behind me, smiling sweetly your eyes sparkling. A large crystal dangles from your neck, tucked neatly into your cleavage.

"Hi," I stammer, surprised and startled by your sudden appearance.

"Hello to you stranger." You seem bashful, looking away blushing a little. "Can I sit with you?" The way you say it makes it sound like its taking all of your confidence, and if I said no it would crush you. But you know I can't deny you.

We sit, chatting lightly, I am lost in your eyes, its easy to stay locked to them, even though your body seems even more desirable than ever. Its like you've locked me into a trance. Everything else is gone, there is just us.

I finish my first drink and prepare to get another when you put your hand on mine. Offering to buy the next round If I will do the same later. I agree with a smile and watch you walk to the bar, your hips swaying more than usual, your hair flowing. You catch me staring with a quick glance over your shoulder. You smile and narrow your eyes, winking.

My heart skips a beat and I have to shake my head to clear it as best I can. The woman of my dreams is talking to me and we are hitting it off, I feel like I must be dreaming.

You set my drink before me and then sit next to me again. Tracing the lip of your glass with your finger you cock your head and smile. "I like you, I like you a lot."

I smile a stupid grin and duck my head. My face is burning up, I am blushing hard. You will have none of it, putting your finger on my chin you raise my face to yours. You whisper. "Finish your drink, lets get out of here."

Nodding, I slug it down fast and hard. Hardly noticing the taste seems a bit off. You take me by the hand and we leave, the sun is starting to set and the air is cooling but it is still a warm summers eve. You giggle and laugh, helping me walk as I start to lose my coordination.

Horrified that I might be sloppy … after only 2 drinks I try to pull myself together. The world is spinning as you help me along. I barely know where I am, my motor control is almost gone by the time we get to your apartment.

Before blacking out the last thing I remember hearing you say was. "Welcome home."

Slowly my eyes open, I am in no pain, but I am really confused. Even more so when I try to move and find myself tied down on a strange bed in a strange room. Before I can make heads or tails of whats happening I see you and you hop onto my waist, leaning down to look at me.

"Hello pet." You whisper. Kissing the end of my nose gently.

"What the hell, let me go, this isn't cool." I demand, struggling a bit.

"Oh trust me, it will be very cool with you soon enough, and as far as letting you go, I'll untie you soon enough, but you;ll never be free. Isn't that what you want?"

"Excuse me?"

You put a finger to my lips and lean forward, I can see down your shirt, your breast perfect soft globes, the crystal now swinging back and forth before my eyes.

"Relax, go ahead and stare, stare at my breasts, watch them move when I speak, can you see them, watch them." Your voice is breathy, dusky, it has my attention and I feel myself getting aroused.

"Good boy," You smile and continue. "Relax, listen to my voice and watch my breasts, you want to relax for me, let my voice wash over you, into your mind and body, feel yourself relax, there is nothing to worry about, my voice is calming you, relaxing you, arousing you.

My mind gets fuzzy again, but not … I cant help but do as your voice commands, I watch your breasts sway, they seem to grow as I watch, the room vanishes and all I can see is you. My erection grows and I know you notice it as you move ever so slightly on top of it.

"Thats it, relax, feel desire rise in you, desire to be mine, give yourself to me, you want to be relaxed and my voice relaxes you. My voice turns you on, the more turned on you are the more you relax, the more you give yourself to me.

"on't be afraid, get hard for me, let me see your devotion to me, show me how my voice moves you.

I nod, no voice left, my mind is all fuzz and static, my muscles don't seem to work, the only thing that seems to have life is my erection that is now painfully hard now.

"eeper you go, deeper under my control, relax and let go. Give yourself to me, Watch my breasts, watch them, see how they make you feel, it feels good to surrender to me, don't fight it, give in, give in to my voice and be mine.

I feel your hands on my body, soft fingers on my hips, each touch filled with electric charge, between my legs I am nearly bursting, erect and firm. I can barely hear you now, your voice is just a soothing sound that holds me captive, I have surrendered but I have no way to tell you.

Then like a ray of light through the clouds I hear your words again. "I am going to take you now, relax, when I tell you, you will climax for me, and you will be mine forever, when ever I, and only I say ti amo, you will climax for me, in public on the phone, it doesn't matter. Relax now pet, relax and prepare to be mine forever.

I want it, I can't say it, I can't even move, but you seem to know this already, I feel your hand guiding me inside of you, the heat is amazing and the pressure fantastic. I have no fear of climaxing however, I give myself to you and your control, I will do as you tell me.

I feel you move and rock, you play my body like an instrument in the hands of a master, there are no words to describe how I feel under your control, ecstasy, bliss, these words lack the power.

I barely notice your climax, how it rocks your whole body, how you scream in pleasure and purr with delight. What I do notice is you starting to count down from 10.

"9 deeper and deeper under my control, letting yourself go.

"8 You want to please me and serve me, you want to belong to me.

"7 You feel it rising inside you, desire, need to serve me.

"6 deeper and deeper, I am inside your mind and heart

"5 Feel my soft fingers in your brain, holding you, pleasuring you.

"4 You care getting closer and closer, deeper and deeper.

"3 Hotter and hotter, your burning up inside me, you can only think of release.

"2 Deeper and deeper, give yourself to me, give me control of your mind body and soul.

"1 Release, hear my words, Ti amo, Ti amo, Ti amo, remember them, remember the pleasure they bring you, remember that you are mine.

I black out.

I wake up the next morning with a savage hangover, you roll over and give me a smile. "You where amazing last night."

I force a smile, I don't remember anything to be honest, I'm sorry I must have had too much to drink.

You smile and kiss me. "Go to work, I'll call you at lunch."

My phone rings right as my lunch break hits, my heart jumps as I see its her and I answer, happy to speak to my new girl.

"Ti amo." she says and I fall to my knees, a climax of such power rips through my body and I can only whisper in response. "What does my mistress desire?"

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