3Dporner's Blog



time for my returnal

Hey! Jessica here! It's time for my returnal! To make a very very long story short! i've been fired from my old company but i've found new work! Also as graphical designer pity is tho that i can't use the software i have in this company in the way i use to make the drawings BUT i get payed enough so that i can afford to buy a licsense for the old software! Although money will still be a problem but those are concerns for later i guess, so by saying all this i will return and i will make drawings again!! but it'll take some time for me to get used to the software again and making thr models look as good as they used to but that won't take to long i hope! If you're still reading BIG THANKS! I hope i'll go back enjoying you guys with my drawings and i'll see you in a few … jessica

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