teeviewer's Blog




Well for the last couple days I've been playing around on CL. I posted an ad asking men to flirt. I didn't expect a big response because I wasn't offering up free pussy or oral pleasures, but much to my surprise, and in only a few cases dismay, I got a huge response. Yep there were a few weirdo's, but weirdo's deserve … too. I've chatted with a lot of married men, and white men. Men of color where are you? I know you CL surf. Over all just let me say I had a good experience. The object of my experiment was to see if flirting is something men and women still do, it's like the pre-foreplay, and yes some guy's are GREAT at it, others not so much. So now it's on to phase two of the experiment. To actually meet with a guy in public, outdoors, for some anonymous stuff. I'm still not comfortable with meet-ups, but I do enjoy public play. The object of phase two is to see if I'm good at it, and just how far I'll let it go. Any takers.

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