southerninct's Blog



My day...

I hate when you go to a party and it's an open discussion and no one should judge anyone about the topic. Just support and rebuttle with your reasoning and questioning. Today... there had to be that one that just could not follow the rules. .

Someone was talking shit about how I think everyone should be in an open marriage at least once during the marriage. . Mind you with agreed rules set in place.

So I told him "don't judge me because I sin differently than you do"... he was like that he does not sin. .. dude is like 5'9 275 lbs... I looked at him and asked "how many slices of cake is he on? 7? 8? Last time I checked gluttony was one of the deadly sins... he left …

shrugs don't throw stones if you live in a glass house. ... that or stand there and give me ammunition to rip you apart if you want to be a dick.

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