dsmith14's Blog



Male Enhancement

Well, like the title says I've been doing some research on the topic; and really can't come up with any solid evidence that anything works with the exception of surgery. I'm not dropping a couple grand to have a tree trunk between my legs. I have been stretching and jelqing for the past year and have had great gains.. I use to be small at 5.25." Now I'm sitting at six and a half inches but what guy doesn't want to be bigger.

I just wanted to know if anyone out there has had any success with a product. Preferably a pill since I've been stretching for the past seven months and gained half an inch. I eat healthy and I can say my best month for gains came when I wasn't drinking … lots of protein and I was taking the Mega Men's Sports Vitamin from GNC. If you want to know more about stretching feel free to shoot me a message.

I'll list off my questions:

1) Price

2) Duration till you saw your results

Over all gains (length/girth)

4) Did your gains stay after you stopped 'enhancing'

5) Diet (I know proteins, vitamins and juices help blood flow)

6) Product name and where to buy

Thank you for the time and I appreciate the input.

  • dsmith14: There's a lot of good information at the PEGYM. I should be getting my first bathmate here by the end of the week. I'll be posting progress pics for those who think this is bull. http://www.pegym.com/
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