teeviewer's Blog



A.N.R...........................Adult Nursing Relationships

This weekend I did an online research on ANR, and became fascinated with it. I want to expand my search. I want to know are any ANR meet-ups or groups the cater to men and women who want to share what seems to be a very sensual and as one of my friends put it relaxing experience. I also found info on forced lactation and women known as hucows."sorry I can't keep from smiling" but believe me there's no judgment here. As I continue my search I will post questions on this topic. My days of producing are long gone, but the sensual aspect is still very much in effect. If you can give any information on this topic, It would be much appreciated

  • teeviewer: Thanks guys
  • pussyglore: This is an extremely personal, deep connection for my husband and I....and never think that you're beyond producing milk. I do not consider myself a hucow....and the erotica that I've seen tends to skew ANR into that realm. For us its more an extension of cuddling. There is no degredation of wearing a cowbell, going around on all 4s....just laying in bed, usually facing each other. We often fall asleep that way, or I'll wake during the night and he's latched on again. Although he can bring me to orgasm with just breast play, most of the time, it is not nearly so erotic. The goal is for deep closeness, not orgasms.
  • pussyglore: If you look for video of babies latching on to mom's breast, the basics are the same. However, your partner will not "try to get as much of the areola in his/her mouth as possible...just enough for comfortable suction. His tongue will be under and around your nipple, and he will mostly just be swallowing (that will provide the mechanics of nursing, whether there's something to swallow or not.)
  • pussyglore: I have relactated after many years (I've got "babies" in college) The key to bringing milk in is frequent and dedicated nursing sessions....I'd suggest 4 times a day, about 15-20 minutes on each side every time. You may choose to go around between sessions with bare breasts to help prevent sore nipples, or if that is not possible, get some gel breast pads-in the baby nursing section of discount/drug stores-to wear in your bra. Get lots of extra fluid. I do not recommend getting medication/shots or other chemicals to "help your milk come in" most of them don't work well, and the hormones that would be most effective have dangerous side effects. You may want to get "Mothers Milk Tea" from Traditional Medicinals....available in most regular grocery stores and health food stores.
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