NH_Lonely_Man's Blog



Because it's Suggested?

So a number of profiles (or chatbot accounts?) suggest I fill in this part of my profile. Okay, so here goes:

First of all, I am skeptical of pretty much anything I see here. Especially if your profile portrays all my fantasies. If it's too good to be true, then it probably is. That said, i am always open to having all my fantasies fulfilled. The thing that I find about sites of this nature is that most profiles are either chatbot accounts that are trying to redirect me to some pay-for-chat site or a fake account in some other way. That's not why I am here. I am here because I am looking to augment activity with my Ashley Madison account, and I want to meet real people. I have filled out most of my profile, so you should be able to read about me there and make some sort of determination about me there.

As I mention in my profile, I am nervous about sharing my picture here publically, so I have set all my photos to friends only. If you want to be friends, then you ca see what I really look like. Although I need to upload some new pictures because most of my pictures are from a couple of years ago.

As for what I like, I don't know if I can articulate it in a manner that would be insightful. After having a pretty much non-existent sexlife in my marriage, I am just looking for any type of intimate contact. It doesn't have to mean anything, I am just looking to feel alive again. So far my life has been all about work and home, with nothing for me physically. I am good on intellectual stimulation (I am a bit of a geek/brainiac), but physical stimulation is what I am really after.

If you want to send me a message, please actually have the integrity and bravery to be on the path towards a real life meeting. I understand that it may be a sketchy thing, so I usually plan to do things in a way that will give some confidence that things aren't too uncomfortable. Usually I like to start off with a dinner or some other type of introductory activity in a very public place. This way we can just talk and see if there is any possibility in getting together. After a public activity like that, maybe another activity that is public, but maybe a little more intimate (not a crowded establishment or someplace a bit more conducive to privacy). After that, it's really up to you as to where to go from there.

I really don't have the ability to really do the sugar daddy thing. Not because I don't have the means, but because it means that I have to figure out a way to hide money. Given how tied together my finances are, that is just a difficult hurdle. That is not to say that I won't treat you well. Although I may be looking for a no strings attached friend with benefits, I also have this gentlemanly streak and will do as much as I can to make you feel spoiled and appreciated.

Okay, is that the sort of intro people do here? I haven't looked at any other dude's profiles, and you ladies are at a distinct advantage here and probably don't need to do all this...

  • Sometimesexual: Well said... Ashley Madison has some fakes there too. Still haven't gotten why dudes are looking at my profile.
  • NH_Lonely_Man: If someone has a successful profile (not sure how that is determined) maybe other guys want to copy it? I dunno. And yeah, AM had a lot of fakes and flakes. I suppose that's to be expected...
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