HungGuyInWI's Blog




The other day I was driving through town and came to a stop light. I normally like to look around to see if there is anyone good looking in a vehicle near mine. This time, I noticed this really hot blonde in the rear view mirror. I'm not sure if she knew I was looking or not, but all of a sudden she started sucking on her index finger very seductively. Opening her mouth, curling her tongue, and moving it in and out repeatedly for about a minute. I was getting very hard and started to rub myself on top of my pants. Needless to say, I don't believe either of us were watching the light because then the horns started honking because it was green, and we both went our different ways. If I wasn't running late for a meeting, I would have liked to stop and see if she would have liked my throbbing cock in her mouth.

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