display2010's Blog



The missionary!

In the darkest Africa is a missionary captured by cannibals, if he wants to aviod being killed he have to be committed in the tribe after having managed three tries. The chief tells him that there are three tents he have to walk into and do one task in each of the three tents. The first tent there's a tub of their local spirit, and he have to drink up every single drop of it.The second tent, there's a hungry male lion where he have to extract a tooth from. The last tent, there's a lady that he have to fuck in the ass for one full hour. Well, thinks the missionary, if he wants to survive he have to try it. In walk into the first tent and drinks up the hole tube of their local spirit, he comes out really waisted and walks in the second tent. From there you can hear a real fight goes on, with shouting, screaming, roar from the big hungry lion, and after a while the missionary comes out and shout where is this woman we are gonna pull out the tooth?

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