SummerStorm0909's Blog



I need this right now

Someone who wants me as much as I do


Someone that gonna embrace and kiss me


Someone that I can be alone with not caring about anything else in this world.

In a world that full of lies and betrayal.

We need that someone that gonna makes us feel safe and accepted

Love and respected.

Someone that gonna push us to our limits for the best

Someone that satisfy our body and makes you feel they don't need anybody.

Without losing ourselves in the process.

My mind are completely in a whirlwind 🌪️

I thought it's a love I can win

A beautiful kind of sin

But now all I can feel is the cold wind.

Nothing maybe it doesn't make sense I just want to free my mind.

It's the choice I made. I choose to be honest and open

Not to be a player

Not to break someone heart

Not to play games.

And I won't change myself and principles just because someone broke my trust.

I will stay as the happy and optimistic person that I am.

I will focus on my self care and self love

Because in the end.

I know in myself that I loved unconditionally.

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