FPhorni's Blog



Cam Girls

The cam girls hustle is getting a little old. Follow me to on cam, then precious cam, then see me, then somewhere else, always with credit card in hand because you need to give the sites $2.99 here or $4.99 there. There was recently a blog post advocating free membership for males. I think the paid members on here should be the cam girls. They are the ones making money on here. The girls that are up front about being cam girls, god love them. They are upfront and give us poor schlubs the option to friend or not friend them, then follow them where ever they want to take us. They are hard working girls and I'm fine with that. I'm talking about the girls that do not say they are cam girls until you have been pulled to YM or Skype and then get the automated keystroke saying go to this website or that website. It's very frustrating for all involved. They have talked you up for 20 minutes or more, having a nice chat then BOOM, the dreaded auto message. I have found a few lovely ladies on here that want to chat cam to cam and not charge you for the shared time, the kind a lot of us want. There are a lot of good, (horny LOL) people on here that want to hook up and have a good time and not get their pockets picked. Sorry I seem to be rambling, but let me know how you feel about this. Oh and by the way, don't get me started on people signing up with other peoples pictures, sometimes within minutes on the photo's page. Take care.

  • plantman33: I had that exact same experience promising a hookup and I was foolish enough to end up sending $450 to the Phillipines even though in my gut I knew nothing was going to happen. I feel like such a stupid idiot. If the women on this site really wanted to hookup then they wouldn't put the men through all this cam and skype bullshit and just give us their phone number so we could make something happen.
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