AmboyDuke670770's Blog



Never Joke Around With An Old Man

Ok, I promised a list of great movies (I don't write checks I can't cash). All of them are about sexual encounters, some more tame than others, all well written, all make a point. The ones that I recommend you watch are, Carnal Knowledge, About Last Night, City Lights, Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf, … (1962 version), Sunset Boulevard, and for comic relief, What's New Pussy Cat, and Andy Warhol's Dracula. Sidebar, I thought the conclusion of Old Boy was ridiculous. A Clockwork Orange, gets an honorable mention

And finally Last Tango in Paris, I thought was a bore. As 30's film legend Mae West once said, "Why don't you come up and see me sometime." kk, Mark


  • AmboyDuke670770: Brain Fart Alert: I forgot to mention the best of the best..
  • AmboyDuke670770: Of course, I forgot to mention the best of the best,..
  • AmboyDuke670770: Body Heat. I'm going to punish myself tonight. I'm going to be jerking off with my left hand.
  • AmboyDuke670770: David Carradine was so good in
    Kill Bill 2. And why not, he was playing himself!
  • AmboyDuke670770: Everyone needs to see the best movie of 1971, Vanishing Point.
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