timhin6059's Blog



Your profiles

I spent most of yesterday looking through lots of different profiles and it never ceased to amaze me the variety of different people on this site. All of the gender types are here, most of the various nationalities from around the world are represented, the rich and poor, the short and tall, the skinny and fat, the old and young etc, etc, etc. All of these huge variety of people are unique and special individuals in their own way. None of them can be characterised as freeks or monsters by anyone just because they are different for we are all ultimately different from each other. Despite the wide variety of different appearances and personalities and cultures that we are, we are all basically looking for the same thing. To love and be loved. To be allowed to live the way we have chosen and the right to not be persecuted, intimidated, violated etc in any form. ( unless authorised by self ). Must allow for the people that like that sort of thing. And of course the sexual activities that they are orientated towards. That is basically what everyone here ultimately wants. Through my list of friends that I'm accumulating I personally am not categorising or favourting any particular type of people but rather allowing all types of people to be my friends. This ultimately gives me access to huge amounts of knowledge etc from all around the world. If only everyone would show the respect and understanding that everyone deserves.

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