KittysPipas's Blog



when dreams will cum

Ever have a dream where everything was so real and even when you woke up the dream kept lingering and calling to you to cum back for more. This dream is not like any other dreams but one that will stay in your world for as long as you let it.

I had this kind of dream last night it was of me.and my brother both of us going to a new school but I had to enroll the both of us and it was the first day. We went to his school by boat then swam one time then walked back to my school only to drive back to his. It was crazy all the back n forth. But in the end it was actually nice to see my lil bro and finally before I woke up I was tell him how much I missed him and well it was fun going back and forth with him like the good old days when we were young.

We can go our whole lives and forget the ones who use to fill up our times back in the day.

A time when boys where my friends and it meant a brotherhood of our word. I wasn't never discriminated for being a girl but an equal who could kick your ass as much as they could. But now i am a lady and well it against the law to fight but if I weren't I would have knocked some sense into A few boys who thought it was cool to fuck with me. Their dicks will fall off soon so I'm good.

Now I will sail the pale moon light to another universe where its just me and my bro once again! Peace out ✌ and hang ten🤙

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