KittysPipas's Blog



When you are in love with money!

So you lost your job after working endlessly and with all your heart only to be fired for personal reasons then when you think it can not get any better you are granted a dream job that wont pay you unless you bring clients and now mind you this isnt a hoe job but marketing your brand type job, But for some reason it has been over a month and after driving endless miles the only place there seem to be work is hoeing. I mean really I love mingling but being married twice was in my opinion the worst hoeing job cause you only got one client but in the end they wonder off and then it's like no dude if you gonna play then let me show myself out the front door. So where does one go from here? I tell you... no where you play the cards that is given to you and keep grinding at the … in page for endless resume submissions. Look I will work hard for you and see where that gets me, $12 an hour for what to work your dick off till there is only a nub. Well the cat is out of the bag and I have shit to do and crosses to burn and I no longer have time to fuck with you if I don't get paid. I mean please if you book time with me then don't flake and pay bitch because there is an up keep to put up with. I want what I want and how many times does one have to hit rock bottom only to resurface again and again.

So to all you flake bombs and what nots. Die so this bitch and eat again!

to all the other humans who understand my journey say something cause, Freewill = All Hustle . NO Love! Lust=Money so kiss my grits and we got this bitches for real we got this shit!

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