Sexymechanic's Blog



Photos... Good! Or bad?

Hey y'all!

Back again with yet another blog for the day...🤪 sure you can roll your eyes 🙄 but, please read....

When asked for photos and you get a picture that's not so perfect should you? #1 ignore it? #2 tell them its great (even when you think its terrible)? Or #3 unfriend, block an spam/flag them as a bad member?

I think it's a very valuable part of being a group to see /share each other's interests. I also do my best to answer a honest one as best as I can while being considerate of those whose are easily hurt. (I truly do care) I for one would appreciate a great picture. An everyone is different in their own way. I can be man enough to see the quality in a terrible picture also an still give you a positive attitude.

All that said I have had very beautiful pictures shared with me! An if I could fiscally lay each one who shared them in a bed of flowers (of their choice) I would very much treat them like a royal queen! 💞

So all know maybe I don't make the best picture but I will honestly assure you EVERY Picture I have had has been very pleasant,appealing and I most certainly would NOT turn down more. Even if I would like to see a pretty smile an your concern to withhold it... I do understand.

So who's with me?

Any positive answers/feedback?

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