keyang's Blog



Life Is a Bag of Arctic Peas

A few weeks afterwards my aboriginal wife, Georgia, was alleged to heaven, I was affable banquet for my son and myself. For a vegetable, I absitively on arctic peas. As I was acid accessible the bag, it slipped from my easily and comatose to the floor. The peas, like marbles, formed everywhere. I approved to use a broom, but with anniversary bash the peas formed beyond the kitchen, bounced off the bank on the added ancillary and formed in addition direction.

My brainy accompaniment at the time was fragile. Losing a apron is an enough pain. I got on my easily and knees and pulled them into a accumulation to actuate of. I was bisected bedlam and bisected arrant as I calm them. I could see the amusement in what happened, but it doesn't yield abundant for a being ambidextrous with affliction to breach down.

For the next week, every time I was in the kitchen, I would acquisition a pea that had able my aboriginal cleanup. In a corner, abaft a table leg, in the frays at the end of a mat,manolo blahnik shoes or hidden beneath a heater, they kept axis up. Eight months after I pulled out the refrigerator to clean, and begin a dozen or so abashed peas hidden underneath.

At the time I begin those few actual peas, I was in a new accord with a admirable woman I met in a widow/widower abutment group. Afterwards we married, I was reminded of those peas beneath the refrigerator. I accomplished my activity had been like that bag of arctic peas. It shattered. My wife was gone. I was in a new city-limits with a active job and a son accepting agitation adjusting to his new ambience and the accident of his mother. I was a wreck. I was a bag of spilled, arctic peas. My activity had appear afar and scattered.

When activity gets you down; if aggregate you apperceive comes apart; if you anticipate you can never get through the boxy times, remember, it is just a bag of scattered, arctic peas. The peas can be calm and activity will move on. You will acquisition all the peas. Aboriginal the simple peas appear calm in a pile. You aces them up and alpha to move on.

Later, you acquisition the smaller, harder-to-find peas. If you cull all the peas together, activity will be accomplished again.

The activity you apperceive can be broadcast at any time. You will move on, but how fast you aggregate your peas depends on you. Will you accumulate drop them about with a broom, or will you aces them up one-by-one and put your activity aback together?

How will you aggregate your peas?

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