sexyrach050's Blog




I guess I am going to have to watermark all of my pictures. As I was scrolling through the feed this morning, I saw my pussy on a pin board. Only where it said pinned content by…was not my name! It took me a long time to be comfortable to post my pictures. After leaving them up for a few days or so for public I usually lock them to friends only. I will now watermark them all and have them for friends only. The sleazeball who stole my picture must've stolen it when it was for public view. I am also saddened that my friend pinned this picture to his board not realizing not only was it my pussy, it clearly was not hers!

  • sexyrach050: Its ridiculous!
  • Dirtytalken1: It is ridiculous Rach, but you did the right thing! You go gurl!
  • sexyrach050: thanks my friends!! Its so frustrating! I dont understand why people can't just be real!
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