hexapixel's Blog



Interlude - Episode 4


In our relationship I'm usually the one who initiates sex. It's not because you want it less; it's just how things seem to work. Tonight, though, we were watching TV together. You glanced over, mischief in your eyes. I looked up and our eyes connected. Your lips pursed and your hands went to your stomach then slid upward along your torso sliding cloth with them.

"Why're you watching TV when you could be on this?" you ask.

"Well, you know, Elliot and JD were..." I continued my sarcastic explanation of the episode as your fingers slipped over your breasts, pushing the shirt over those perfect orbs. As you pinch down around your nipples, I completely forgot what I was saying and paused for a good 15 seconds.

"Now that I have your undivided attention." You finish pulling your top over your head and shove me back into the couch and cover my lips with yours...

Source: http://xxxsexxx.tumblr.com/

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