Suckulent's Blog



Suck first or Fuck first? Decisions, decisions, decisions!

I have to say that the stock of cock on this site is freaking awesome!

Some have length while others have girth and even more have enough of both to make me bite my lower lip and wish for a labia lick. With both mouth watering and pussy juicing pix... what's a woman to do?

Ask for be fucked...deliciously fucked hard...first?

Or fuck words and go straight to his hips and lock my lips?

... as if I could.

Such a dilemma... I already know what I would do if presented with the one of the many gifts found here... if unzipped in front of me ... I'd dive my head down and lube him with my saliva just so I could grind my hips into his pubes and with enough swiveling ... go back for more so I could taste me on his now glistening cock... gleaming with my sweetness.


I have a plan.

No problem there....

So what is the problem?

This isn't real.

It is pseudo-real...ersatz sex... and no salacious sentences... and vixen va-voomed verbs can compete with the real thing.

I know.

I have fucked some incredible men in my lifetime... and while it has been a while... it hasn't been such a long time that I feel I can't get some... something... someone... in real life.

So, I got an invitation.... from "someone" sending me pix "purportedly" of himself... and he lives like 3-4 hours away... and I like him... but I don't know him.

That's kind of the weird thing about looking at loins all the time... when you walk into a club or Starsbucks... do you walk up and ask men to flash you?

Do you flash your crotch in the middle of his scone and cafe au latte?

Yes. I know.

Exchange facial features... but really?

Break the spell?

This is such a tenuous situation.

Show me .... not the money, but all the honey in the world and I still find something a bit off.

I'm thinking instead of fucking or sucking.... I need to make real world decisions about what I want and whom I want it from... none of us get out of here alive... all the more reason for something more than filling... maybe something real... tender... maybe not lasting.... everything has a shelf-life... us included.

But maybe... maybe... I can find someone I like and that I like to fuck and be fucked by him... repeatedly.

So now... the decision is... should I stay or should I delete and venture forth from behind the screen?

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