philippayoung1984's Blog



My Cum Lunch (Orgasm & Punishment 1: Part 2)

(Read my earlier blogpost before you read this ... it won' make much sense otherwise!)

I was in total darkness. My owner/Husband had left me in the miniroom to warm up my lunch. I kept wondering how I'd cope eating the cum after he'd removed it from my cunt (or the "oven" as he referred to it before he left me). I felt utterly degraded but incredibly turned on, knowing that I was utterly helpless, chained to pipes for 90 minutes with my Husband's spunk inside my pussy with nowhere to go. The thought of him thinking out this scenario for me made me so happy, and so wet. I can't describe how dirty, filthy and humiliating it is to be trapped, chained in a small room, knowing that in order to be removed from bondage, I have no choice but to eat the cum that was placed inside my smooth pussy a little while ago. I was there, helpless, moaning, writhing, literally "cooking" my Husband's cum inside me, waiting for my lunch to be ready.

The handcuffs began to chafe a little, but not too much. My legs were getting a little tired, and my shoulders ached somewhat. But it was all my owner's wishes. And I always do what he says (within reason, lol). I felt the knickers in my mouth get very wet over the course of my bondage due to my saliva building up. Because of the duct tape around my mouth, it was impossible for me to push them out or breathe through my mouth, so I had no choice but to breathe heavily through my nose. Again, the control aspect felt exhilarating.

After what seemed like two hours of being helpless in bondage, the lock to the miniroom clicked and the door opened. I was still in total darkness because of the blindfold, but I happily moaned to let my owner know I was happy to 'see' him. "How is your lunch cooking?" he said. I nodded and grunted in reply, signifying my approval of the situation. "Oh, no!" he said in a playful voice, "I forgot to switch the oven on, your lunch will still be raw!" My owner always did things like this, and I should have expected it. I should have known that 90 minutes in bondage wouldn't have been enough to satisfy him, and he always loves playing mind games with me and pushing me to my limits. I sighed, but was secretly mesmerised and in love.

"Now, we wouldn't want to make you ill by giving you an uncooked lunch, would we?" said my owner. He took the duct tape from my mouth and pulled out the sopping wet knickers from my gob, and as he did so a blob of saliva trickled out and hit the wooden floor in the miniroom. "Well?" he said, "o I give you an uncooked lunch, or shall we cook it properly?" I wasn't sure what to say, but if my previous experiences taught me well, I knew that he would have his own way regardless. "We should make sure it's cooked my love" I replied. "Yes, you're right. And how long does my cum take to cook?" he said. I hesitated, but I knew the answer. He told me earlier. "One hour and a half ... 90 minutes" I replied. "That's correct" replied my owner, "You're more than just a cum dump slut aren't you?" I said nothing in reply, and took a deep breath inwards, waiting for the bondage to resume.

"We'll make a few modifications" said my owner "as you're not truly in bondage at the moment. It's been far too easy for you this last hour hasn't it, slut?" I had to agree "Yes, my love. Please make it more difficult for me". Perhaps it was a mistake for me to say that, but I knew he was going to do it anyway.

My cuffs were removed and I was led into the bedroom. My owner delved into my lingerie drawer and produced some black stockings and a black basque with suspender belt. He placed it on me and attached the stockings. I LOVE wearing things like this, it really turns me on and my owner knows it. After putting some black high heels on me, he checked on my cunt duct tape. Apparently, it was getting a little wet, so he placed a load more duct tape over the top and around my crotch, to make sure my cum lunch didn't spill out anywhere. My black thong was pulled back up and I was led back to my miniroom prison. The sopping wet mouth knickers were put back inside my mouth and more duct tape was put over my gob. My owner wrapped it round my head to make sure nothing fell out. The blindfold was re-applied and the cuffs were attached to my legs and wrists once more. This time, the chains were wrapped around the pipes a little more so that my legs and arms were stretched even more than last time. It was a struggle (and more painful), but I wanted to please my owner. Finally, as my owner stood before me, he said "on't worry, we'll make sure your lunch is ready soon, my little slut" and leaned into me, kissing me passionately on the neck and fingering around my ass hole. He then clicked some buttons (I wasn't sure what he was doing at first) and stepped back.

"Now, slut" he continued, "I've turned up the heat on this boiler for you. It will get quite a bit warmer, but you should be fine. I'll check on you every 30 minutes until the 90 minutes is up, just to check you haven't fainted or anything. We must make sure your cum lunch is cooked, remember?" I nodded and moaned, totally ecstatic at the latest developments and in complete love with my Husband and his unparallelled dominance. "I also have some earplugs to put in you. We wouldn't want any heat escaping from you and having that cum partially cooked, would we?" he said. I shook my head and moaned to agree with him.

The earplugs were placed inside my ears and they felt so deep. My Husband was talking, but I could only hear the tiniest of sounds, very muffled. These were very good earplugs. I could hardly even hear my own heavy breathing through my nose! As I stood there in bondage, uncomfortable, dressed in lingerie, with my senses all but taken away from me, I relaxed and accepted my fate. In 90 minutes I would be released, and would be eating the semen that had been stored in my juicy cunt for the last hour or so. I was even starting to look forward to the challenge.

My arms and legs ached, I couldn't hear anything at all thanks to the earplugs, and I felt beads of sweat form on my forehead and drip down me as the heat of the boiler increased. I was in bondage heaven, and my lunch was nearly cooked...

Want to hear the final part?

  • medjai81: This is getting very interesting, can't wait to read the rest
  • philippayoung1984: Glad you like it everyone. I'll add the next part as soon as this blogpost gets 10 likes. Not much to ask, really, is it?
  • philippayoung1984: Yay. 10 likes. I'll continue writing and will post part 3 tomorrow.
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