Sometimesexual's Blog



Ah, how I love malls around this time...

I was standing in line today to buy some gifts at a local mall. Crowded places and cold outside, so everyone is bundled up from the cold.

So, minding my own business, just waiting my turn. I am behind this nice looking woman, figuring she was the haughty type. She smelled nicely of perfume. She was bundled in a long coat, scarf, her brown hair trailed out from under her hat. Well, you know that people have their psychological space, I know this from my job. So, she backs into me by accident I am sure, apologizes, and smiles. Then, I get bumped from behind into her. Thinking, the person behind me is rude, I apologize to the woman in front of me. She smiles again, then starts to unbutton her coat, to reveal a nice blouse and buttoned up to keep warm, I figure.

Didn't expect much more, kept minding my business. Then she backs into me again, I believe purposefully this time. Turns around to show me her cleavage. It is now her turn at the counter to pay. She paid, grabbed her bags to leave, but with all of them in one hand. She reaches out toward me and cups my crotch. All of this, in front of a crowd, and I have to pay for my stuff gifts too. Being my hands were full, I couldn't stop what she was doing anyway.... So, she smiles at me and says to meet her at the food court when I am done.... more details later.

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