CuriousLibido's Blog



The quest for REAL people

So it seems the vast majority of people in here are fake, hoping to get you're info, get you to … you on a new site, etc. Seems some people call them Cam Girls? Which seems apt from what I can tell. I wish I could block them, but for now it seems the only way to find a real person is to send someone a message myself, at least if I send it I know I'm a real person and can try to weed out the garbage. Seems the less professional the pictures look (or the fewer pictures) and the fewer friends the more likely to be be legit the person is. Somewhere around >1 but less than 50-ish? Also, I've noticed the real people don't seem use their own pictures most times. They'll put up pics that are similar to themselves or pictures they like or represent themselves or their interests. Which is fine, I understand the desire for privacy when what goes on the net stays on the net.

Anyway, I'm an average guy, only registered on the site over a week ago, and as cliche as it sounds I've been out of a relationship since spring and want to try new things, open up my experiences and have some fun. If you're from Edmonton Canada and want to chat and see where it goes let me know. I'd love to meet a real person and go from there!

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